
Showing posts from May, 2018

Does Cardio Burn Fat?

Want to melt fat and burn calories?   Do some cardio. That’s the typical advice.   The more the better, right? However, like most things in life, you don’t want to overdo it.   While light cardio is beneficial for the heart and improves endurance, too much can be hazardous to your health.   Studies have shown that excessive exercise can age the heart and build up scar tissue that increases the chances of a heart attack. When I found that out, I thought about my sister’s friend who died while running after a strenuous workout.    Too much strain on the body depletes its energy.   Since we usually don’t eat or drink during a workout, the body must use the most readily available source of energy: muscle tissue. Instead of shrinking fat tissue, the muscles you need to keep you moving are being consumed by your body! Most people don’t want to just lose weight at the expense of their health.   They lose weight to improve their health.    If you’re intere

Sitting & Back Pain

My new job was killing me. While my boss and co-workers were great to work with and there were plenty of perks, there was one thing that bothered me. After one hour, I had to get up from my desk.   My back would have me in agony.   I would lose concentration and what’s worse, I’d gained 20 pounds despite not changing my eating habits very much. My sister recommended a chiropractor who suggested I ask for a standing desk.   I had one at my last job and it was great. When I brought it up at work, I was told it was too expensive. Every week, I went to the chiropractor, but I couldn’t go as regularly as the practitioner would have liked. Sometimes, I had to reschedule my appointments and I went nearly 2 weeks without an adjustment quite often.   My back would give me painful reminders and the chiropractor would essentially have to start over. What’s worse, after spending time sitting at my desk and later the car, I would sit in the waiting room until it was my turn

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Growing up, I was always skinny.   I rarely exercised and ate nearly anything I wanted. After the birth of my first child, I finally got a desk job after years on my feet and gained 60 lbs in 3 years!!! I thought being able to sit would be a great change, but I hated it.   I found myself finding any and every excuse to stand up, walk around, take 6 flights of stairs to and from my desk, or walk through the park near the office at lunch. My back would be in agony when I would sit too long or not sit straight.   I tried some pills but quit taking them after the 5 th day because I started having some strange side effects.   I tried fasting, but I hated feeling weak afterwards.   I need my energy to work and take care of my family. I would skip the vending machine, avoid fast food and opt for salads at lunch.   I only drink water and unsweetened teas, but my weight didn’t budge.   I know I’m in my 30's.   Supposedly we start to gain weight as we age, but why ar