Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Growing up, I was always skinny.  I rarely exercised and ate nearly anything I wanted.

After the birth of my first child, I finally got a desk job after years on my feet and gained 60 lbs in 3 years!!!

I thought being able to sit would be a great change, but I hated it.  I found myself finding any and every excuse to stand up, walk around, take 6 flights of stairs to and from my desk, or walk through the park near the office at lunch.

My back would be in agony when I would sit too long or not sit straight.  I tried some pills but quit taking them after the 5th day because I started having some strange side effects.  I tried fasting, but I hated feeling weak afterwards.  I need my energy to work and take care of my family.

I would skip the vending machine, avoid fast food and opt for salads at lunch.  I only drink water and unsweetened teas, but my weight didn’t budge.  I know I’m in my 30's.  Supposedly we start to gain weight as we age, but why are some people who are older than me not overweight? 

Why are some women in their 40's and 50's in great shape, while I lug an extra 60 pounds I did just fine without only a few years ago?

The first step for me, was to address the back pain.  I went to a chiropractor who kept encouraging me to request a standing desk, but my job kept saying it was too expensive.  So, I stand at least twice an hour and walk as much as possible.  I eventually found some exercises I can do at home to address the cause of my back pain.

The next step was to address the weight.  I need to lose weight fast, but I don’t want to do it at the expense of my health.  Recently I saw a video about a woman in her 40's who lost 40 lbs!
After looking into the program, I decided to try it.  I was so grateful that I wouldn’t have to starve myself or spend hours I didn’t have at the gym.  I am starting to feel better and my clothes aren’t as “snug” anymore.

Check out the video and learn her story.

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